Monday, May 30, 2011

Bump it!

Scott and I did some bumper boating with his niece to beat the heat this weekend. Some of those kids were ruthless so you had to go in with a game plan. The kamikaze approach worked well (spinning in a circle while holding down the water torpedo trigger). A girl's gotta have a plan.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Freeze pops

Fun birthday gift for Scott's mom. It freezes Popsicles in 7 minutes flat! Not bad. Perfect for someone who likes fancy kitchen gadgets. Can't wait to make some mimosa pops soon.

Flea Market Finds

A few new additions to my collection of transistor radios.

That darn cat

Lulu (the blur of fur) flying in for a calculated attack on my iBook. She's quite jealous of any electronic devise that takes attention away from her.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Kitty wants cupcakes

Nico was very jealous of the cherry cupcakes I made for the Play Art Potluck tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Bunny Hop

Origami bunnies we made for easter, now hanging from tree branches! You can add little cotton balls on their backsides for tails.